Sökning: "Western"

Hittade 54 exjobbsförslag från svenska företag, som innehöll ordet Western.

Inkom Exjobbsförslag
2011-11-29Examensarbete - Kvantifiering av aggregerde protiner i ryggmärgsvätska- biomarkörer för neurodegenerativa sjukdomar - 30 poäng (inaktivt)
2011-09-23Understanding drug resistance by characterization of transcription factor complexes by mass spectrometry (inaktivt)
2011-04-21Alzheimerforskning – Transgena djurmodeller (inaktivt)
2011-03-08Bioactive sphingolipids – implications for liver cancer (inaktivt)
2011-01-05Unraveling the mystery of clinical variations in “Skellefteå-sjukan” (inaktivt)
2010-11-04Development of a control systems for semi-active shock absorbers to a car (inaktivt)
2010-09-16Does the cannabinoid receptor ligand hemopressin induce cell death in lymphoma? (inaktivt)
2010-08-16Bioactive sphingolipids – implications for liver cancer (inaktivt)
2010-07-05Amyloid beta-peptide and synapses: Two important players in Alzheimer Disease (inaktivt)
2010-05-27Development of a control system for semi-active shock absorbers to a car (inaktivt)
2010-04-20Increased APP expression and formation of aggresomes of Alzheimer disease-related protein APP: A response to cellular stress in AD (inaktivt)
2009-11-30Neuroprotective strategies for the treatment of the neurological complications of diabetes (inaktivt)
2009-06-10Diploma work in structural biochemistry: Why are aquaporins in spinach leaves sensitive to mercury? (inaktivt)
2008-12-17Studier av gamma-sekretas, ett proteinkomplex involverat i Alzheimers sjukdom (inaktivt)
2008-06-16Aktivering av transkriptionsfaktorer som reglerar inflammation och autoimmunitet (inaktivt)
2008-06-02Studier av redoxproteiner i cancerceller med fokus på reglering av thioredoxin reduktas (inaktivt)
2008-01-16Karakterisering av intracellulära proteininteraktioner med NMDA-receptorn (inaktivt)
2007-10-24Antikroppar som nya läkemedel mot Alzheimers sjukdom (inaktivt)
2007-09-21Is medin amyloid the causing agent when the aorta breaks? (inaktivt)
2007-09-20Molecular pathways in control of melanoma cell growth, invasion and apoptosis (inaktivt)
2007-08-24Diabetesforskning KISÖS (inaktivt)
2007-08-23Characterization of a novel metalloproteinase (MMP) and a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP) in tissue repair, inflammation and cancer (inaktivt)
2007-04-27Atherosclerosis an amyloid disease? (inaktivt)
2007-04-27Cardiac disease and heart valve amyloidosis-what is the connection? (inaktivt)
2007-03-19Light chain amyloidosis- a cruel disease with an unknown pathogenic mechanism (inaktivt)
2007-03-16Cardiac disease and heart valve amyloidosis-what is the connection? (inaktivt)
2007-03-16Atherosclerosis an amyloid disease? (inaktivt)
2007-02-01Analys av genuttryck vid Alzheimers sjukdom (inaktivt)
2006-10-31LXR signalering i det metabola syndrom och diabetes (inaktivt)
2006-10-13Is medin amyloid the causing agent when the aorta breaks? (inaktivt)
2006-09-25Smac/Diablo and Omi/HtrA2 release from mitochondria during apoptosis in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (inaktivt)
2006-08-21Studier av gamma-sekretas, ett proteinkomplex involverat i Alzheimers sjukdom (inaktivt)
2006-08-02Utveckling och utvärdering av phage-display baserat vaccin mot prostatacancer (inaktivt)
2006-04-19Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: new roles for the cholesterol sensing receptor, Liver X Receptor (LXR) (inaktivt)
2006-03-20Cannabinoid-receptorers roll vid mantelcellslymfom (inaktivt)
2006-01-30Characterization of a novel metalloproteinase in tissue repair, inflammation and cancer (inaktivt)
2006-01-18Induction of pathogenesis-related proteins in barley during infestation with the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (inaktivt)
2006-01-12Examensarbetare till Diabetesgruppen vid KISÖS (inaktivt)
2005-11-24Molekylära mekanismer vid Alzheimers sjukdom och andra neurodegenerativa sjukdomar (inaktivt)
2005-10-03Test av olika träslag i västkustklimat (inaktivt)
2005-09-07Characterization of cell wall beta-glucosidae from rye (Secale cereale) (inaktivt)
2005-01-19DNA-repair proteins that recognize damage induced by ultrasound (inaktivt)
2004-12-08Induction of antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) by plasmid DNA immunization: What are the requirements for promotor driving the antigen expression? (inaktivt)
2004-11-16Surface chemistry studies of froth dynamics and structures (inaktivt)
2004-10-19Characterization of human thioredoxin-like 1 (Txl-1), a novel member of the thioredoxin family of redox proteins. (inaktivt)
2004-03-26Inducerad resistens i raps (inaktivt)
2004-03-05Atherosclerosis an amyloid disease? (inaktivt)
2004-02-23Cardiac disease and heart valve amyloid: what´s the connection? (inaktivt)
2003-12-04Maturation of bloodvessels in vitro and in vivo (inaktivt)
2003-11-14Solubilizing an Integral Membrane Protein using Site-directed Mutagenesis (inaktivt)
2003-11-14Expression of a newly discovered protein involved in iron metabolism (inaktivt)
2003-09-08Surface chemistry studies of froth dynamics and structures (inaktivt)
2003-05-21Impact of the amyloid in atherosclerotic plaques (inaktivt)
2003-04-04Genetiska variationer i androgen metaboliserande enzymer och deras betydelse i doping analyser. (inaktivt)

Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.