Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2010-08-26
Master Thesis: Development of Simulation Tool and New Tracking Algorithms for Radio Occultation Receivers.
Signals Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) like GPS and Galileo can be used to probe the atmosphere from Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites. This is called Radio Occultation (RO) and provides vertical temperature and pressure profiles of the atmosphere with high resolution and accuracy. This method is relatively recent but as already made a significant impact on numerical weather forecasting and climate research.
RUAG Space has developed and delivered RO receivers for the European weather satellites MetOp, the first of which was launched in 2006. We are also participating in the evaluation of measurement data, development of new data processing schemes and possible improvements for the next generation RO receivers.
With the experience we have gained from the operating receiver, we see possibilities to further improve signal tracking under conditions when the signal is week and/or fluctuating.
The GNSS signals are CDMA modulated onto a carrier in the 1.2 – 1.6 GHz band. The chip rates are in the range 1 – 10 Mcps.
Master Thesis:
In support of these objectives you will develop a simulation tool that shall simulate the modulated signal based on the signal characteristics after propagation through the atmosphere. In order to optimise tracking performance also a receiver model will be developed. Different tracking techniques and loop models shall be investigated and optimised using these tools.
The simulation tool is intended to be integrated with other tools representing the atmospheric influence and the ground processing of the measurements. The work will be conducted in close cooperation with your supervisor at RUAG and you will have the opportunity to interact with other European scientists in the RO field.
Effort and Qualification:
The thesis is intended for one to two people with a duration of 20 weeks. It is valuable if you have knowledge of signal processing and experience of programming in Matlab.
•Collect information and study GNSS signal structure including CDMA coding, GNSS receiver signal processing regarding signal dispreading and tracking.
•Structure the S/W, define algorithms, specify modules
•Code and test modules
•Integrate and test the S/W
•Investigate tracking techniques
•Compile results and write report
•Make an oral presentation of the work
Contact Persons:
Jacob Christensen
[email protected] 031 735 4440
Magnus Bonnedal
[email protected] 031 735 4003
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.