Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2010-10-07
Nanocellulose films and coatings
The majority of engineered plastic materials used today are made from synthetic polymers. The use of conventional petroleum-based polymer products creates many potential problems due to their non-renewable nature and ultimate disposal. Wood-based polymers offer advantages with respect to sustainability and limited environmental impact. Of growing interest is the use of nanocellulose as an alternative to petro-based materials such as polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The term nanocellulose refers to cellulosic nanofibrils (5 - 20 nm thick) disintegrated from the plant cell walls. New methods for the manufacture of nanocellulose have recently been developed at Innventia AB.
Nanocellulose films have been shown to have excellent mechanical and barrier properties. Nevertheless, a limitation of this material is the water sensitivity, producing a loss of barrier properties when the degree of hydration increases. If such films will receive a larger commercial interest, it will be necessary to alleviate their sensitivity towards moisture and decrease their water vapor permeability.
Project description
The influence of the nanocellulose surface chemistry on the barrier properties of the prepared films will be studied. The nanocellulose films will chemically or thermally cross-linked. In order to decrease the moisture sensitivity of the films, nanoclays will be added to the nanocellulose prior film formation. The biobased nanocomposite films will be characterized in terms of their oxygen and water vapor permeability and their mechanical and optical properties will also be evaluated.
The candidate should preferably be a last-year student in a suitable M.Sc. program in chemistry, chemical engineering, biotechnology mechanical engineering etc.
For more information, please contact:
Christian Aulin
Tel: 08-6767260
[email protected]
Tom Lindström
Tel: 08-6767370
[email protected]
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.