Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2011-09-30
Thesis Worker - Using multiple transport networks from NetInf enabled Android phones-00035956
To take an existing prototype implementation of NetInf and install/port it on/to Android phones. The NetInf implementation should then be modified to be enabled to use, at least, two different transport technologies available on the phones, e.g. Bluetooth and WiFi. The distribution of information objects should be done in P2P/CDN like fashion using local caches in user equipment.
Today's mobile networks have problems to deal with flash crowd events, e.g. a stadium wanting to watch reruns from an ongoing sports event.
Networking of Information (NetInf) can provide a new control layer that allows for using heterogeneous underlying transports (3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) for P2P like distribution using local caches in user equipment. The proposed new information centric waist for networking which names information objects instead of nodes offers new tools for distribution of information objects and for network security.
The task is to take an existing prototype implementation of NetInf and install/port it on/to Android phones. The NetInf implementation should then be modified to be enabled to use, at least, two different transport technologies available on the phones, e.g. Bluetooth and WiFi. The distribution of information objects should be done in P2P/CDN like fashion using local caches in user equipment.
A number of phones should be configured into a network setting that makes it possible to test how can use NetInf to retrieve information objects directly over the alternative transports when the 3G radio spectrum is congested (or when alternative transports can offer benefits for the user in terms of higher performance of lower cost)
The goal with this project is to make the necessary software implementations on phones and servers, set up a test network and make some initial performance evaluations.
The intention is that two students work in collaboration on the project, but that they will implement NetInf over two different transport layers, e.g. Bluetooth and WiFi
Description of the work
* Preparations and reading: Android OS, transport technologies e.g. Bluetooth and NetInf.
* Familiarisation with NetInfcode relevant for the project
* Installation and set-up of NetInf on phones and servers
* Describing how to change the NetInf client to enable use of alternative transport technologies, e.g. Bluetooth and WiFi, how to enable and use caches in user equipment
* Prototype implementation
* Experimentation, performance comparison
* Report writing
* Code documentation and packaging
We are looking for someone with good programming skills, especially knowlegde in Java and Erlang. Knowledge of Linux is also good.
The Thesis is for a Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent.
To apply for this job you need to use the Ericsson site:
At that site you need to search for Job Number: 00035956
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.