Exjobbsförslag från företag
Detta är ett uppsatsförslag hämtat från Nationella Exjobb-poolen. Klicka här för att komma tillbaka till samtliga exjobbsförslag.
Förslaget inkom 2009-12-03
3D Video
Free viewpoint television (FTV) is a novel audio-visual system that allows users to have a 3D visual experience while freely changing their position in front of a 3D display. Unlike the typical stereoscopic television, which enables a 3D experience to users that are sitting at a fixed position in front of a screen, FTV allows to observe the scene from many different angles, as if we were there. There are two main components that enable the FTV functionality. The first one is multiview video: the scene is captured by many cameras and from different angles. In addition, each camera view should carry the additional information – the depth map – which tells us how far from the camera the objects in the scene are. From the multiview video and depth information, we can generate virtual views at an arbitrary viewing position.
The goal of this thesis is one of the following
• Free viewpoint 3D player: Create a player combining stereo viewing and head tracking. Investigate 2D/3D navigation and study of input.
• Depth estimation: Study techniques for depth estimation and enhancement of depth maps. Develop or improve a depth estimation algorithm.
The work will be implemented using software for video compression and view synthesis developed at Ericsson Research. The thesis will contain a theoretical study, design and implementation and a technical report.
We are looking for one or two bright M.Sc students with interests in video coding and programming. You should also have general knowledge of compression algorithms.
Good programming skills in C/C++ and Matlab are required.
Ericsson Research – Visual Technology
The thesis work will be done at the Visual Technology unit at Ericsson Research in Kista outside Stockholm. The unit is responsible for research related to video coding, image coding, graphics and image processing for multimedia communication and distribution.
Applications shall contain three documents: a short personal letter, recent grades and a CV. Candidates are invited to send their applications as soon as possible.
Apply before 2009-12-31 via the Ericsson career site:
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.