Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2007-09-21
Analysis and modelisation of the influence of gloss level on perceived whiteness
STFI-Packforsk AB is one of the world's leading R&D companies in the fields of pulp, paper, graphic media, packaging and logistics. The activities range from basic research to direct commission, where our expert skills and know-how are utilised to find solutions for customers to apply in their operations. All research is focused on customer value.
One important property of paper is its perceived whiteness, an attribute of colours of high luminous reflectance and low purity. Extensive research on the perception of whiteness has shown that observers are able to arrange white samples of different luminous reflectance, hue, and saturation in a one-dimensional order according to whiteness, although little general agreement between observers on whiteness can be reached. The general agreement is that a sample is perceived as all the whiter, the lighter, and the bluer (to some extent) it is.
STFI-Packforsk is conducting a 3-year project together with participating companies from the paper industry to study these effects and incorporate them into a more general whiteness model. The objective of this Master's thesis is to focus on the influence of the mean surface gloss of a sample on its perceived whiteness.
The work includes defining, producing and optically characterising a set of appropriate samples, conduct and analyse psychophysical experiments with panels of judges, and finally propose ways to model the influence of gloss for instrumental whiteness determination. Depending on the progress of the thesis a method for producing samples of defined instrumental whiteness will also be developed.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.