Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2007-12-19
Kopia av Evaluation of the SPEDE instrument on SMART-1 for Analysing the Electric Field Around the Moon
The SMART-1 spacecraft is currently in orbit around the Moon. Since the Moon lacks an internal magnetic field and, thus, is not surrounded by a magnetosphere, SMART-1 is normally located in the solar wind, a thin plasma continuously flowing radially away from the Sun at a speed of some hundred km/s. Behind the Moon, as seen from the Sun, the solar wind flow is perturbed by the presence of the Moon. Close to the Moon this wake region is very close to a vacuum. On-board SMART-1 there are several scientific instruments, one of them (SPEDE) measures the spectral density of the electric field in the frequency range 10 Hz - 5 kHz.
This project aims to evaulate the performance of the SPEDE instrument and to do preliminary analysis of the spectrum of the electric field and consists of three sub-tasks:
1) Develop software for visualising the spectral data and for relating the data to the position of the spacecraft relative to the Moon.
2) Evaluate the algorithms used on-board for data reduction (needed because of bit-rate limitations in the telemetry sent to Earth)
3) Analyse the spectral data statistically, binned according to spacecraft location and solar conditions as well as analysed more thourougly for selected events. Comparisons to earlier investigations of the solar wind plasma are particularly interesting.
During the course of the project at least one visit to to our collaboration partner in Helsinki, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, will be needed.
Suitable background includes basic knowledge of space physics or aerospace engineering. Some programming skills are desirable.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.