Exjobbsförslag från företag
Detta är ett uppsatsförslag hämtat från Nationella Exjobb-poolen. Klicka här för att komma tillbaka till samtliga exjobbsförslag.
Förslaget inkom 2005-11-15
We look for students with good ideas on how ICT (mobile telephony and Internet) can help development in developing countries.
SPIDER and Ericsson agree to support five MSc Thesis projects on ICT for Development
Students at Swedish universities who are interested in helping the developing countries bridge the digital divide have a unique opportunity and are advised to submit their project proposals to SPIDER or Ericsson. The proposal should be a Masters thesis Project (Examensarbete). After a joint assessment by SPIDER and Ericsson, we will provide you with a feedback on your project.
The projects shall be oriented towards adapting ICT solutions to those regions of the world that have limited deployment of Information and Communication Technology. The projects shall contribute to developing ICT environments in developing countries as a way to improve the living conditions of the more deprived sectors of the population.
Conditions for accepting your application are that you
* are a registered MSc student at a Swedish University in the filed of ICT
* have completed 100 credit points, 60 of which on ICT related subjects
* have a genuine interest in international development issues
* have good knowledge of Swedish and English
* have a supervisor at your institute ready to provide you with all the guidance for fulfilling your MSc project.
You are welcome to send your application to: SPIDER Attn: Rodolfo Candia E-mail: [email protected]
Deadline for your application is September 30th, 2005.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.