Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2004-10-19
MSc. or BSc. thesis at SEI¿s Water Program using WEAP
Internship position/MSc. or BSc. thesis at SEI¿s Water Program using WEAP
SEI¿s Water Program is participating in an EU-funded research project called RIVERTWIN. SEI¿s role in this project is to generate different future scenarios for water demand. The RIVERTWIN approach is to be tested, calibrated and implemented in three river basins, beginning with the Neckar basin in Germany during 2004-5. We are now looking for a skilled and devoted person fluent in German and English who could help our team in the implementation of the project during the summer and fall of 2004. The work would be set up as an internship and focus on collection and analysis of water demand and social development data from the Neckar basin, in order to formulate a water demand model for the basin. SEI¿s tool for analyzing future water scenarios (WEAP) will be applied. A description of WEAP can be found at www.weap21.org.
The work of the SEI team falls largely within the project document¿s work package 2, task 2.5, as summarized here:
As a prerequisite for sustainable water management a description of the spatial-temporal pattern of the water resources availability in terms of quantity and quality has to be established. The major users (domestic, industrial, agricultural, tourism and recreation, ecological requirements) are characterized by their temporal water demand, their technological level, their contribution to local and regional economy and employment, and their environmental impacts due to water use. The costs for wastewater treatment are estimated and based on existing water prices an economic evaluation is carried out. The impacts of water abstraction and waste water effluents on the surface and groundwater system are modeled by subsequent modules. Different scenarios considering modified land use, technological improvements in water use and wastewater treatment, and various levels of population growth are run for each river basin. Finally a sensitivity analysis will help to quantify the importance of the various uncertainties in the scenarios and in the model parameters. The work is mainly based on the WEAP model.
Practical arrangements
The work will be carried out at the SEI Stockholm office and could possibly be a basis for BSc. or MSc. thesis research if an agreement is reached with a home institution. The position requires background and knowledge in water resources management, interest in modeling and scenario techniques, effectiveness in producing results under limited supervision, as well as fluency in both German and English. The intention is that the position would be for 12-20 weeks starting in June or July. It is possible to have a longer break in late July and early August because of vacations. Interested applicants should send their updated full CV accompanied by a short cover letter by e-mail to Oskar Wallgren before June 11th.
Contact point at SEI: Oskar Wallgren, Research Associate
Phone: +46-8-412 14 17
Stockholm Environment Institute: www.sei.se, RIVERTWIN: www.rivertwin.de
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.