Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2004-02-03
JLabGrid - Grid Computing in Intranets
Grid computing is a promising technology that is to provide seamless access to distributed resources such as information, data storage and data processing power. JLabGrid is a simple computational grid primarily focused on sharing CPU power within an intranet. However, Internet-wide computations are also possible.
Standard office computers (here called PC:s) are becoming increasingly more powerful, but their CPU:s are used less than 5 per cent of the time. Linova has developed a piece of software called JLabEngine that makes it possible to use this surplus CPU power for useful computations. A JLabGrid consists of JLabEngines installed on the PC:s in the intranet. An engine waits for a user to connect to a standard TCP port, receives a task, performs the computation and returns the result. The tasks cannot harm the engine PC since they run on a low priority and within a secure Java sandbox that refuses the tasks to access local files or to do arbitrary networking. This mechanism is nearly identical to how browsers restrict Java applets.
The purpose of the project is to install, test and evaluate a JLabGrid installed on at least 100 computers. Questions that should be answered include the following.
* What type of computations are suitable to run on a JLabGrid?
* What organizations have needs for such computations?
* How should task scheduling be done?
* What other approaches exist to use the surplus CPU power of office computers?
* What tools are needed to easily create JLabGrid-enabled programs and to administer the grid?
The student for this project should know how to program Java and preferably C++ too. He or she should have some knowledge of parallel computations in general and an interest in numerical computations and entrepreneurial business.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.