Exjobbsförslag från företag
Detta är ett uppsatsförslag hämtat från Nationella Exjobb-poolen. Klicka här för att komma tillbaka till samtliga exjobbsförslag.
Förslaget inkom 2004-04-29
Management of soil and water resources, India
The host institution is Water Technology Centre (WTC) of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU). WTC was actually established through funding support from SIDA in 1982 and through involvement of scientists from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. Collaboration between TNAU and KTH started in 1970 and is still in progress. Regular contacts and exchanges occur between Swedish and Indian scientists and more than 100 Swedish undergraduate students have carried out Minor Field Studies (MFS) and Degree Projects at TNAU/WTC. TNAU provides good accomodation and other services for students (good laboratories, field study facilities as well as a modern library). English is the language media.
Possible fields of study are irrigation, drainage, hydrology, soil science, crop management, agronomy, plant physiology, climatology, agro-economics, water supply and sewage water treatment, environmental studies. Students should write to the Director of WTC to arrange a suitable topic - see below.
Ämnesområden inkluderar förutom nedanstående: mark- och vattenresursfrågor, bevattning, dränering.
Funding for this study can be applied for through Sida´s Minor Field Study Programme, MFS. MFS projects entail field work and must result in a report written in English.
Note that the applicant for an MFS should be a Swedish citizen.
For information on MFS see:
http://www.kth.se/student/utlandsstudier/index.html och http://www.programkontoret.se/default.asp?ItemID=5243&Action=ShortDescription.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.