Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2004-01-07
Master thesis on interfaces to mathematics
Mathematics poses a number of very interesting problems to design of digital media. Mathematical notation is complicated and not available on a standard qwerty keyboard, and the typical working process in mathematics draws heavily on this notation, diagrams and pictures. Easy access to this range of representations is essential for succeeding when working with mathematics.
Focus on interfaces to mathematics is relevant now since the new MathML standard soon will make it possible to email, cut and paste, and search the web for mathematics as we do it with text now. In order to capitalize on these possibilities people working with mathematics needs ways to fluently write mathematics on their computer.
A master thesis on this problem could be a comparison of different formulae editors and text processors trying to understand how well different approaches supports the mathematical writing process. This comparison could for example be carried out by video-studying working processes or by think aloud protocols, but other methods could also be relevant.
A thesis on the problem of writing mathematics with computers is relevant both to design of digital media and to mathematics education, and could draw on literature from both these areas, even though the literature on this specific problem is very limited.
If you are interested in writing a master thesis on this problem you can be part of a small ¿group¿ consisting of Mikael Nilsson and Morten Misfeldt, both PhD students in mathematics education with a strong interest in computer science and design of digital media.
The project will be carried out within the Knowledge Management Research group at KTH, under the supervision of Ambjörn Naeve. See
for more information.
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.