Exjobbsförslag från företag
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Förslaget inkom 2004-03-26
Feromoner vinner mark
Codling moth (äpplevecklaren) Cydia pomonella is the economically most important insect of apple worldwide. The use of insecticides to control this insect affects the growers, the consumers, and the environment (for eaxmple: http://www.kemi.se/bkmblad/azinfosm.pdf). In addition, the most widely used insecticies are now being deregulated and will not be available in the long run. This demands the developement and implementation of new techniques.
Pheromones, and other behaviour-modifying chemicals, can instead be used to control codling moth. Our aim is to establish a new, environmentally safe technique in apple orchards. Practical trials are done on ca. 150 ha near Rörum/Kivik (Scania). Control methods for other apple insects of local importance are under development. This concerns the use of pheromones and other semiochemicals for population monitoring and control of apple fruit moth (rönnbärsmalen), noctuids and leafrollers.
This work concerns application-related as well as fundamental topics, and spans from development and field-testing of new methods to practical implementation of mature technology.
Our team includes biologists and chemists specialized in analytical chemistry, behavioural physiology chemical ecology, and orchard entomology. There are opportunities to pursue this work in Sweden, or elsewhere in Europe and overseas, within collaborating working groups.
We welcome candidates from programs with a focus on biology, ecology, natural resources and environmental engineering.
This is a continuation of the project Miljövänlig bekämpning av äpplevecklaren Cydia pomonella
Related project: Surt, sa rönnbärsmalen när den bet i äpplet
Background information: http://www.phero.net/iobc, http://www.biosignal.org, http://www-pherolist.slu.se
The project is funded by MISTRA: http://www.mistra.org
Time: May - August.
Place: Alnarp, Rörum, Kivik (Scania).
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Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.