2012-03-20 | Gör exjobb om BI i en spännande bransch (inaktivt) |
2012-03-15 | Service exchange web platform (inaktivt) |
2012-02-22 | Master Thesis Log analysis tool (inaktivt) |
2012-02-22 | Access & Roles Managment within Product/Part Description area (inaktivt) |
2012-02-15 | Do you want to develop a C#.Net application? (inaktivt) |
2012-02-15 | Low-friction coating on NDE probes (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | 5 spännande exjobb (inaktivt) |
2012-02-13 | In the Field of Avionics Engineering (inaktivt) |
2012-02-10 | SiC semiconductors in switched mode power supply (inaktivt) |
2012-02-06 | Master degree project - GE Healthcare Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2012-02-06 | Automatic tests (inaktivt) |
2012-02-06 | Continuous Integration (inaktivt) |
2012-01-27 | Aurenav Internship Program (inaktivt) |
2012-01-26 | Mobile App Back-end Infrastructure (inaktivt) |
2012-01-26 | Scania gemensam produktbeskrivning – ett stöd för ett integrerat produktutvecklingsarbete (inaktivt) |
2012-01-19 | Do you want to develop an iPhone app as your Master thesis…?
”Effektivt utnyttjande av extern databas vid iPhone app-utveckling” (inaktivt) |
2012-01-16 | Skapa QlikView applikation som skapar affärsvärde! (inaktivt) |
2012-01-16 | Internship in IT consulting (inaktivt) |
2012-01-09 | Research within Machine Learning and Big Data analysis. (inaktivt) |
2011-12-19 | New study on socio-economic impact of fibre-to-the-home (inaktivt) |
2011-12-06 | e- och IT-strategier inom offentlig sektor (inaktivt) |
2011-12-05 | How do companies work with tomorrows cost regarding the environment? (inaktivt) |
2011-11-29 | Investigating Ways To Build CQRS Read Models (inaktivt) |
2011-11-23 | Detection of Low Probability of Intercept Radar Emitters (inaktivt) |
2011-11-22 | Master thesis work in high speed signal integrity analysis (inaktivt) |
2011-11-14 | Modification of particle size distribution for high sintered density (inaktivt) |
2011-11-10 | Thesis project: Sustainability product score-card assessment for running range
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-11-10 | Thesis project: Investigate new materials for IKEA vases, bowls and plant pot range
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-11-09 | Examensarbete inom
Social Media och Business Intelligence (inaktivt) |
2011-11-08 | Thesis work - Global Purchasing Volvo Logistics (inaktivt) |
2011-11-01 | Borlänge-Wuhan a business collaboration with focus on the cleantech area (inaktivt) |
2011-10-28 | Thesis project/Student assignment: Moments within production of hinges
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-10-25 | Thesis work - Development of chromatographic screening methods for a deeper understanding of ligand-serum protein interactions in Drug Discovery. Location AstraZeneca Mölndal. (inaktivt) |
2011-10-24 | Engineering project in Marabou confectionary plant! (inaktivt) |
2011-10-05 | The use of critical raw materials in passenger cars (inaktivt) |
2011-09-20 | Logistiksystem för process baserad arkitektur (inaktivt) |
2011-09-09 | M.Sc. Thesis Project Proposal - Investigations of Micromixing in Alfa Laval’s ART® Plate Reactors (inaktivt) |
2011-09-05 | Volvo IT - attraktiv arbetsplats ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv (inaktivt) |
2011-08-29 | Innovative Health Apps Development (inaktivt) |
2011-08-26 | Enterprise Architecture Modeling at KTH (inaktivt) |
2011-08-22 | Paid Master Thesis – Vibration Analysis for Optimization of Land Based Oil and Gas Drilling Operations. (inaktivt) |
2011-08-17 | Detection of Low Probability of Intercept Radar Emitters (inaktivt) |
2011-08-12 | Examensarbete - Styrsystem (inaktivt) |
2011-08-08 | Sport, Finance and Graphical Design interested IT Student for GUI Design Thesis. (inaktivt) |
2011-07-28 | Säkra molntjänster (inaktivt) |
2011-07-12 | One common system, compence development (inaktivt) |
2011-07-08 | Investigation study on the relation between the power production of wind farms and atmospheric modeling results. (inaktivt) |
2011-06-28 | SCOR metrics assessment at Syncron international (inaktivt) |
2011-06-27 | Examensarbete inom bransch analys och marknadsintervjuer (inaktivt) |
2011-06-27 | Validering av produktutvecklingsmodell för
Design for Six Sigma (inaktivt) |
2011-06-23 | Forecast models for for predicting potential revenues from Maritime GSM (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | DANE - Migration of the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure towards DNS (inaktivt) |
2011-06-19 | Android Touch Pads and HTML5 for Healthcare Apps (inaktivt) |
2011-06-09 | Thesis project: Analyze laws and standards for product development and product requirements
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-06-01 | Thesis project: The mechanics of concealed hinges
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-05-31 | How to calculate filling degree in transports (inaktivt) |
2011-05-18 | Vad tjänar organisationer på personlig effektivitet hos de anställda? (inaktivt) |
2011-05-02 | Open Source Business Intelligence (inaktivt) |
2011-04-21 | Thesis project/ Student assignment: Surface and mechanical definition- a quality project
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-04-21 | Inductive charging of electrical vehicles – Commercial vehicle applications (inaktivt) |
2011-04-19 | Using magnetic fields to prevent microorganism growth (inaktivt) |
2011-04-04 | Categorization of electronics and software suppliers / products (inaktivt) |
2011-03-29 | Sigma söker exjobbare inom processautomation med BMP (inaktivt) |
2011-03-28 | App’ar eller ej inom Fleet Management området (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | Air quality visualization for underground mine automation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | GUI for mobile assets tracking in underground mines (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | Communication and instrumentation GUI for underground mine automation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-25 | Spatial data model & GUI for underground mine automation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-23 | Sealability of paper packaging containing bioplastics and conventional plastics (inaktivt) |
2011-03-10 | Patent licensiering och intrång undersökning / Patent licensing and infringement investigation (inaktivt) |
2011-03-09 | Socio-economic impact of fibre-to-the-home (inaktivt) |
2011-02-23 | Examensarbete Java Opensource Solr Search - 2 platser (inaktivt) |
2011-02-11 | Innovative and Process Oriented Inventory Management System (inaktivt) |
2011-02-10 | Cloud Computing (inaktivt) |
2011-02-10 | Effektivisering av produktion (inaktivt) |
2011-02-08 | Definition and Implementation of Simulated, Intelligent Behaviour (inaktivt) |
2011-02-07 | Economic association – the unknown business type (inaktivt) |
2011-01-28 | Environmental demands for electronic products (inaktivt) |
2011-01-26 | Mobile ICT - West Sweden (inaktivt) |
2011-01-21 | Sales and Marketing for Door and Escalator Business (inaktivt) |
2011-01-20 | Vibration analysis of electronic unit (inaktivt) |
2011-01-19 | Master Thesis: Non Contact Test Point (inaktivt) |
2011-01-12 | Utvärdering av Inkubatorverksamheten på Campus i Östersund (inaktivt) |
2011-01-12 | MASTERS THESIS – SMS TESTING SOLUTION (inaktivt) |
2011-01-07 | Rule engine algorithms and implement a proof of concept (inaktivt) |
2010-12-16 | Användarvänlighet vid iPhone app-utveckling (inaktivt) |
2010-12-08 | Schneider Electric utlyser ett examensarbete inom organisationsutveckling (inaktivt) |
2010-12-03 | Strategiskt beslutstöd för långsiktig IT-planering – EA inom Scania R&D (inaktivt) |
2010-11-22 | Scenario analysis of the intermodal market in Germany
IKEA Freight Service AB, Helsingborg (inaktivt) |
2010-11-22 | Thesis work: Design and development of the vigor wave energy converter prototype (inaktivt) |
2010-11-22 | Thesis work: Analysis of the vigor wave energy converter prototype (inaktivt) |
2010-11-17 | New opportunities based on PE-Xa material properties (inaktivt) |
2010-10-18 | Examensarbete på Logica inom Business Intelligence (vt 2011, 30 hp) (inaktivt) |
2010-09-23 | How could a commercial BI solution, i.e. QlikView, be used together with a proprietary business application written in .Net and M-SQL? (inaktivt) |
2010-09-23 | Implementing a data matching and data conversion utility (inaktivt) |
2010-09-21 | Exjobb på NASDAQ OMX (inaktivt) |
2010-09-20 | Evaluation of Volvo Packaging Footprint (inaktivt) |
2010-09-08 | Analys av verktyg för Business Intelligence-lösningar (inaktivt) |
2010-09-07 | Re-making a distribution channel (inaktivt) |
2010-08-20 | Ex-job/thesis work: Raw Material Purchasing
IKEA Components, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-08-20 | Ex-job/thesis work: Purchase Market Analyze
IKEA Components, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-08-20 | Thesis project/ Student assignment: Service level Classification
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-08-02 | Solar Energy in Developing Countries (inaktivt) |
2010-07-29 | Utvärdering av optimal BI-plattform (inaktivt) |
2010-07-09 | Thesis project/ Student assignment: Cost Analyzes Appliances
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-07-02 | Thesis project: Calculation of parasol base weights
IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-07-02 | Evaluate tools and services for Customer Support (inaktivt) |
2010-07-02 | Energioptimering av gjuteri och tillverkning (inaktivt) |
2010-07-01 | Development of a software for Reliability activities at Volvo Powertrain (inaktivt) |
2010-07-01 | Rekommendationer på materialval i krävande miljöer (inaktivt) |
2010-06-29 | Möjligheter och nytta att i CAD/utvecklingsmiljön återanvända PLM/produktbeskrivningens variant- och tidsvillkor (inaktivt) |
2010-06-29 | Classifications of information systems according to zone principles (inaktivt) |
2010-06-11 | Thesis project: Ocean Flow Modeling: Routing Optimization
IKEA Transport Global, Helsingborg (inaktivt) |
2010-06-10 | Processing solutions for high performance in combination with specific radar algorithms (inaktivt) |
2010-06-10 | Exjobb på Kraft Foods: Vill du/ni hjälpa våra favoriter att snabbare nå ut till sina fans! (inaktivt) |
2010-05-12 | "Quality Management in a medium-sized trading company." (inaktivt) |
2010-05-04 | Examensarbete - en studie av process och förslag på förbättringar (inaktivt) |
2010-05-04 | How do medium size Content Providers deliver their content? (inaktivt) |
2010-04-21 | Product Service System within Integrated Logistic Support (inaktivt) |
2010-04-20 | Enhancement techniques for lane position adaptation (inaktivt) |
2010-04-20 | Ex-job/thesis work: Push open solution
IKEA Components, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Air flow measurement validation (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Utredning om oxidationsrester i hydraulolja (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Ventilationsbehov på tvättapparat (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Vidareutveckling av flingtorkningsteknik (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Produktutvecklings- eller konstruktionsuppgift inom ramen för Baling Technologys produktsortiment (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Utredning av problem med hydraulcylindrar (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Validity test of UV absorption method for determination of dissolved lignin in pulping process filtrates (inaktivt) |
2010-04-19 | Undersökning av lyft och transportritningar (inaktivt) |
2010-04-07 | Thesis project: Calculation of parasol base weights IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-04-06 | Thesis project: Calculation of parasol base weights
IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-03-22 | iDoc24 Fråga Doktorn- Betal webbformular med språkstöd (inaktivt) |
2010-03-22 | Solar energy for rural areas of developing countries (inaktivt) |
2010-03-18 | PHP baserad kalender server (inaktivt) |
2010-03-08 | Intern Structuring & Analysis (inaktivt) |
2010-02-25 | Databas för kvinnligt business-nätverk (inaktivt) |
2010-02-24 | Market Research Fiber Optics (inaktivt) |
2010-02-22 | Traceability at Scania Engine Production of homemade parts (inaktivt) |
2010-02-19 | Emission Calculation Optimisation for Air- and Ocean freight (inaktivt) |
2010-02-10 | Cooperative business collaboration - a way to improve the operations of each company? (inaktivt) |
2010-02-10 | Collaboration within the social economy (inaktivt) |
2010-02-05 | Thesis work: Customer buying behavior
IKEA of Sweden, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-02-04 | Re-making a distribution channel (inaktivt) |
2010-02-03 | Running cooperative enterprises successfully (inaktivt) |
2010-02-01 | Fråga Hudläkaren i Mobilen (inaktivt) |
2010-01-28 | Analyzing the usage of Open Source products (e.g. JBoss) within Vattenfall (inaktivt) |
2010-01-18 | Digital footprint analysis (inaktivt) |
2010-01-15 | Executing Statistical Programs from SQL (inaktivt) |
2010-01-04 | EA inom Scania R&D – Utvärdering av applikationsportfölj (inaktivt) |
2009-12-18 | Study of Odometry Solutions for Railway Applications (inaktivt) |
2009-12-18 | Study of Odometry Solutions for Railway Applications (inaktivt) |
2009-12-10 | Preparing Data in SQL for Statistical Analysis (inaktivt) |
2009-12-09 | Marketing and business development (inaktivt) |
2009-12-09 | Eco-Efficiency Analysis (inaktivt) |
2009-11-25 | Would you like to contribute to the development of a sustainable aquaculture industry in Scandinavia? (inaktivt) |
2009-08-03 | Market Analysis of Competitive Intelligence software usage in larger Global Corporations (inaktivt) |
2009-07-13 | Implementation av webbaserat kvalitetssystem. (inaktivt) |
2009-05-15 | LCA of Electronic Control Unit at Autoliv (inaktivt) |
2009-04-16 | Hur uppfattar mottagaren en kundtidning? (kr) (inaktivt) |
2009-02-27 | 3D geometry sweep in Unigraphics/NX (inaktivt) |
2009-02-02 | Implementation of Qlick View as a Business Intelligence Tool for the company (inaktivt) |
2009-01-16 | Kvalitetssäkring av strategisk teamutveckling (inaktivt) |
2008-10-16 | Saldodifferenser (kr) (inaktivt) |
2008-07-07 | Volvo CE AB Hauler & Lauder Business Line (kr) (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | New Methodology for Formulation Shelf-life Stability (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Marknadsanalys och identifiering av kundsegment för kommersialisering av forskningsresultat inom biotech/functional food (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Skapa en virtuell resebyrå/resesite (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Electric Power System Communication Traffic Modelling
(inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Effektiv IR (Investor Relations) (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Characterisation of Polymer Solutions by High Throughput Methodology (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Surface Modification of Inorganic Nanoparticles (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Enterprise Information Management (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | A Master Thesis in Collaboration with Scania
Evaluation of the concept enterprise architecture for usage in IT evolution (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Surface Modification of Inorganic Nanoparticles (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Environmental effects of transportation from a logistic point of view (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Enterprise Architecture Modeling – Case Studies of Change Project Costs (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Using enterprise architecture to evaluate the quality of enterprise information systems (inaktivt) |
2008-03-04 | Market survey – automatic gas supply (inaktivt) |
2008-01-25 | Development of industrially viable activation routes for a number of new labile surfactant precursors (inaktivt) |
2008-01-25 | Controlled release of flavour-,
aroma- and pharmaceutical substances
- development and technical verification of a new concept
(inaktivt) |
2008-01-17 | Chocolate: Surface Control and Bloom Prediction
(inaktivt) |
2008-01-17 | Operational Efficiency Improvements (inaktivt) |
2008-01-16 | En tillgänglig socialförvaltning - delprojekt tjänsteresor (GH) (inaktivt) |
2008-01-16 | Hur kan Acando som IT-företag, öka synligheten och närvaron i Mälardalen? (ke) (inaktivt) |
2008-01-14 | Communication and Traffic Models for Power Systems (inaktivt) |
2008-01-08 | Using Model or Data Driven design to improve automatic testing. (inaktivt) |
2007-12-27 | Programvara för optimering av en biokemisk process (inaktivt) |
2007-12-20 | New Methodology for Formulation Shelf-life Stability (inaktivt) |
2007-12-14 | Characterisation of Polymer Solutions by High Throughput Methodology (inaktivt) |
2007-11-22 | IKEA - Internkommunikation (inaktivt) |
2007-11-22 | Differentialkoncept för hjullastare (kr) (inaktivt) |
2007-11-21 | Thesis - Electroluminescence as a tool to evaluate solar modules in production (inaktivt) |
2007-11-20 | Hur uppfattar mottagaren en kundtidning? (kr) (inaktivt) |
2007-11-01 | Marketing survey - payment services (inaktivt) |
2007-10-30 | Lokal reklambyrå VS reklambyrån från storstaden (inaktivt) |
2007-10-22 | TPU på ABB Cewe-Control - Fallstudie av implementering på pilotavsnitt (inaktivt) |
2007-10-22 | TPU på ABB Cewe-Control - Fallstudie av implementering på pilotavsnitt (inaktivt) |
2007-10-02 | Atlas Copco Secoroc New Connections (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-09-25 | Market plan & Competitor analysis / Marknadsplan & konkurrentanalys (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Effektivisering av IT inom offentlig sektor – Konsolidering av myndighetsgemensamma IT-tjänster (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Blisteröppnare - Ett entreprenöriellt examensarbete vid Linköpings universitet (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Livstecken - Ett entreprenöriellt examensarbete vid Linköpings universitet (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Lyftkläder - Ett entreprenöriellt examensarbete vid Linköpings Universitet (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Reselift - Ett entreprenöriellt examensarbete vid Linköpings universitet (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Investigation and implementation of a documentation tool (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Development and implementation of real-time architecture and framework for stabilized satellite terminal (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Master’s Thesis Project in Image Processing: Reading Two-dimensional Bar Codes (inaktivt) |
2007-09-18 | LED and fluorescent lamps in signs and general lighting. (inaktivt) |
2007-09-18 | Capacitive measurement method on fluorescent lamps. (inaktivt) |
2007-09-15 | ABC kalkylering för prissättning på SCA Packaging med SAS programvara (inaktivt) |
2007-09-14 | Ex-job at IKEA: Research into environmentally friendly pesticide. (inaktivt) |
2007-09-07 | Kinetic Studies of a New Class of Labile Surfactants (inaktivt) |
2007-09-07 | Fixation of Oleophilic Colloidal Material in Recycling and Papermaking
(inaktivt) |
2007-09-07 | Influence of Surface Roughness and Surface Functional Groups on
Surface Energy Hysteresis
(inaktivt) |
2007-09-06 | eGovernment /24timmarsmyndigheten - Hur långt har den offentliga sektorn kommit när det gäller eGovernment? (inaktivt) |
2007-09-06 | Effektivisering av IT inom offentlig sektor - Outsourcing av IT-drift i kommuner och i statliga myndigheter (inaktivt) |
2007-09-04 | Properties of Superhydrophobic Coatings
(inaktivt) |
2007-09-04 | Windows Embedded på OMAP plattform (inaktivt) |
2007-08-31 | WM-data söker exjobbare till Göteborg inom Business Intelligence (inaktivt) |
2007-08-28 | Regulatory Compliance Requirements for Information Systems within Vattenfall (inaktivt) |
2007-08-16 | Marknadskommunikation - reklam - grafik och copywriting
Internationellt (inaktivt) |
2007-08-09 | Global Thesis project: eCollaboration strategy for IT Services in AstraZeneca (inaktivt) |
2007-07-19 | Competitive Analysis (inaktivt) |
2007-07-19 | Ergonomic Market Survey (inaktivt) |
2007-06-14 | Microencapsulation of Oxidation Sensitive Oils through Spray Drying
(inaktivt) |
2007-06-14 | Applying Knowledge Based Engineering to manage Aftermarket requirements (inaktivt) |
2007-06-12 | Development of a Surface Chemical Formulation Tool (inaktivt) |
2007-05-31 | Evaluation and implementation of mathematical models for train diagnostics (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-05-31 | Visual Analytics of hierarchical data (inaktivt) |
2007-05-31 | Visual Analytics of hierarchical data (inaktivt) |
2007-05-31 | Miljö- och marknadsekonomiskt korrekta alternativ för värme- & kylproduktion (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-05-29 | Fixed Asset Management (inaktivt) |
2007-05-22 | Security Evaluation of ’Single Sign-On’ Solution (inaktivt) |
2007-05-14 | Ex-job – Social & Environmental Issues, IKEA IT (inaktivt) |
2007-04-04 | Capacitive measurement method on fluorescent lamps (inaktivt) |
2007-04-04 | DIPLOMA PROJECTS IN POLYMER MATERIALS (5 different proposals)
(inaktivt) |
2007-04-02 | ”Vision system” för kvalitetssäkring i produktion (aw)
(inaktivt) |
2007-03-22 | IKEA: Research into environmentally friendly pesticide (inaktivt) |
2007-03-09 | Master Thesis Proposal: An Evaluation of a Funtional Reference Model (inaktivt) |
2007-03-06 | Accounting applications, Best-of-Breed versus Integrated solution (inaktivt) |
2007-03-05 | Betsson is seeking top students to investigate the Chinese market for Online Gambling (inaktivt) |
2007-03-01 | Process and tools for market-driven software product planning (inaktivt) |
2007-02-22 | Hur söker företag affärspartners utomlands? – Verksamhetsanalys Chamber Trade Business to Business AB
(inaktivt) |
2007-02-12 | Development of SW drivers on a microcontroller (inaktivt) |
2007-02-07 | Drug Delivery Systems for Poorly Soluble Drug Substances (inaktivt) |
2007-01-18 | Environmental Implications of Logistics at SKF (inaktivt) |
2006-12-21 | Market analysis and study of Swedish market for dry fruit products (inaktivt) |
2006-12-18 | Efficient use of the CPP Emulator within CPP Design Unit (kr) (inaktivt) |
2006-12-14 | Deriving Quality of Service Agreements based on Business Process Key Performance Indicators (inaktivt) |
2006-12-08 | Sustainability Assessment of Business Travels at SKF (inaktivt) |
2006-10-31 | WATTCH... Less is more: Influencing consumer energy behaviour through service innovation (inaktivt) |
2006-10-31 | Static analysis of xtUML models (inaktivt) |
2006-10-24 | How to build a strategic e-business framework for the unknown changes?
(inaktivt) |
2006-09-27 | Framtagning av ett Business Intelligence (BI) koncept baserat på mjukvara från Microsoft (inaktivt) |
2006-09-15 | AUTOSAR Reference Implementation (aw) (inaktivt) |
2006-09-13 | Development of measurement method, 10-20p. (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Examensjobb- Market Analysis, Atlas Copco Tools AB (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Modellering och utvärdering av regleralgoritmer för skruvdragning (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Commercialization and Exploitation of European Health Portal for Sleep Disorders (inaktivt) |
2006-08-16 | Evaluating the business models and commercial potential of a technology for trusted electronic service environments (inaktivt) |
2006-08-11 | Comital Skultuna, produktionsteknik eller industriell marknadsföring (aw) (inaktivt) |
2006-06-12 | Development of a Project Management Quality System. (inaktivt) |
2006-05-10 | Lokal reklambyrå VS reklambyrån från storstaden (inaktivt) |
2006-04-18 | Marknadsundersökning av trender inom beslutsstöd (Business Intelligence) i Sverige 2006. (inaktivt) |
2006-04-03 | Community för företagsamma tjejer/kvinnor som komplement till ny bok (inaktivt) |
2006-03-23 | Genomlysning av företag inom spedition (inaktivt) |
2006-03-23 | Engineering Portal Volvo IT (inaktivt) |
2006-03-13 | EnterCard Sverige AB söker en student för examensarbete inom process- & informationslogistik (inaktivt) |
2006-02-27 | Processutveckling (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Broadband Mobile Convergence (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Many users (inaktivt) |
2006-01-20 | IKEA: Kompetenseffekter ¿ Självstyrt lärande (inaktivt) |
2006-01-05 | IKEA: Kompetenseffekter - Kunskapsmätning (inaktivt) |
2006-01-04 | Marknadsundersökning - Hantverksmarknaden (inaktivt) |
2005-11-07 | Automatic Service Information Generator (inaktivt) |
2005-10-20 | Behandling av affärskommunikation och upplägg av E¿Business (inaktivt) |
2005-10-17 | Marketing Strategy and Commercialization of innovative telemedicine solution TeleMedIS (inaktivt) |
2005-08-16 | Development and commercial evaluation of trust mechanisms for large electronic service architechtures (inaktivt) |
2005-06-15 | Commercialization and marketing of European Health Portal ENN-ICS (inaktivt) |
2005-05-19 | Marknadsundersökning - hantverksmarknaden (inaktivt) |
2005-05-11 | Mother ship for start-up companies (inaktivt) |
2005-05-02 | System för storleksoptimering av återanvändbar J2ME-kod (inaktivt) |
2005-04-22 | Analys av alternativa system för datalager i J2EE (inaktivt) |
2005-04-22 | Utveckla och konstruera en digital handelsplats för tid inom det Europeiska näringslivet (inaktivt) |
2005-04-20 | Hitta former och innehåll för att producera Sveriges bästa och bredaste studentsajt - Mr Map Studentsajt (inaktivt) |
2005-02-25 | Evaluation of RT-Linux for mobile measurement systems (inaktivt) |
2005-02-09 | Automatic Regression Tests of a Message Based Telecom Software Application (inaktivt) |
2004-11-04 | Konverterare från ReadSoft Forms dataformat till Prifloat. (inaktivt) |
2004-10-04 | Examensarbete inom industriell visualisering och möjliggörande teknologier i Göteborgsregionen (inaktivt) |
2004-09-07 | Akzo Nobel (inaktivt) |
2004-09-03 | Avancerad bildbehandling och programmering (inaktivt) |
2004-08-24 | E-Business: Utveckla en kundanpassad webbshop (Sandviken) (inaktivt) |
2004-08-19 | E-business (inaktivt) |
2004-06-21 | Business Jet (aw) (inaktivt) |
2004-06-14 | Applications and Services for Networked Home Entertainment (inaktivt) |
2004-05-18 | E-Business: Utveckla en Webbsajt med försäljning över Internet (Sandviken) (inaktivt) |
2004-04-16 | Business Angel Analysis ¿ examensprojekt med personlig coach (inaktivt) |
2004-02-18 | Game developer for mobile phones (inaktivt) |
2004-02-10 | Market Study - Business Process Analysis and Strategic Positioning of a Business Support System in the Mobile Telecom Wholesale Industry
(inaktivt) |
2004-02-03 | JLabGrid - Grid Computing in Intranets (inaktivt) |
2003-12-18 | BTP och SHS - Ida Infront Ab (inaktivt) |
2003-09-11 | Market analysis of the global biosensor market (inaktivt) |
2003-04-11 | Structure and strategy how to handle 24/7 and remote services (inaktivt) |
2003-03-07 | New chemical admixtures for ultra lightweight concrete materials (inaktivt) |
2003-02-03 | Open Source for ebXML and SHS (inaktivt) |
2002-12-17 | Business Process Analysis and Strategic Positioning of a Business Support System in the Asian Telecom Wholesale Industry (inaktivt) |
2002-12-17 | Business Process Analysis and Strategic Positioning of a Business Support System in the Asian Telecom Wholesale Industry (inaktivt) |
2002-10-22 | Marknadsundersökning om utbildning, rådgivning och kreativ produktion inom marknadskommunikation (inaktivt) |