2011-12-20 | Industrial Design - Electronics Enclosure designed in CAD, Solid Modeling (inaktivt) |
2011-10-31 | A gps-based and wireless 3-dimensional sound effect system (inaktivt) |
2011-06-16 | Structural studies of a bacterial lipopolysaccharide (inaktivt) |
2010-11-15 | Master Thesis project: Subtransmission reliability study using PSS/E (inaktivt) |
2010-04-14 | Multiple target detection in Wall Penetrating UWB Radar (inaktivt) |
2008-07-10 | Mechanosorptive creep – structural origin on the single fibre level (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Modelling of a system for active feedback stabilization of resistive wall modes installed at the EXTRAP T2R reversed field pinch device (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Design and implementation of control methods for active feedback stabilization of resistive wall modes in the EXTRAP T2R reversed field pinch (inaktivt) |
2008-02-26 | Simulation SIL for double clutch control development (inaktivt) |
2007-10-22 | Arbetslivshistoria i Skinnskattebergs (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-10-22 | Visualisera histoirebeskrivning i ett ”ett fysiskt rum” (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-09-13 | Investigation of Carbon Nanotube-DNA Interaction (inaktivt) |
2007-08-07 | New extraordinary methods for simulation of Brownian motion in biological gels (inaktivt) |
2006-10-19 | Mechanisms for regulation of the allergic immune response as targets for allergen-specific immunotherapy (inaktivt) |
2006-07-03 | Simulation of Brownian motion in biopolymer gels (inaktivt) |
2006-04-19 | Osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease: new roles for the cholesterol sensing receptor, Liver X Receptor (LXR) (inaktivt) |
2005-09-07 | Characterization of cell wall beta-glucosidae from rye (Secale cereale) (inaktivt) |
2005-02-07 | Melt flow control in a continous casting process (gh) (inaktivt) |
2005-02-07 | An experimental water-modeling study of the inlet nozzle jet design in a continous strip caster (gh) (inaktivt) |
2005-02-07 | Direct obsevation of molten copper meniscus in strip casting mould during casting (gh) (inaktivt) |
2004-11-26 | Aktiv kompensering av MHD-instabiliteter av RWM-typ (inaktivt) |
2004-04-30 | Accuracy of Duct Flow Calculations (inaktivt) |
2004-04-13 | Cloning and characterization of cell wall beta-glucosidase from rye (Secale cereale) (inaktivt) |
2004-03-05 | Search for factors involved in neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation in the adult brain (inaktivt) |
2004-02-18 | Characterization of cell wall beta-glucosidase from rye (Secale cereale) (inaktivt) |