Sökning: "application system"

Hittade 193 exjobbsförslag från svenska företag, som innehöll ordet application system.

Inkom Exjobbsförslag
2012-03-30Platform design for volumetric interaction. (inaktivt)
2012-03-20Prognostik for kraftförsörjning i IVHM-system (inaktivt)
2012-03-05Quality of Experience for 2D or 3D video (inaktivt)
2012-02-27Bionanocomposite Aerogels (inaktivt)
2012-02-22Master Thesis Log analysis tool (inaktivt)
2012-02-15Do you want to develop a C#.Net application? (inaktivt)
2012-02-09Energy payback time for ocean energy (inaktivt)
2012-02-06Master degree project - GE Healthcare Uppsala (inaktivt)
2012-01-31Master thesis project “Characterization of enzyme sensitive responsive hydrogel/lipid system for triggered release“ (inaktivt)
2012-01-26Mode management in embedded systems in cars (1-2 students) (inaktivt)
2012-01-09Biomass Combustion in Fluidized Bed: Emissions (Master Thesis- 5/6 months- FRANCE) (inaktivt)
2012-01-09Biomass Combustion in Fluidized Bed- (Master Thesis- 5/6 months- FRANCE) (inaktivt)
2012-01-03Develop an iPhone app (inaktivt)
2011-12-15Android app for sensor monitoring in the home (inaktivt)
2011-12-12Thesis Proposal: Visualisation Tool for Sensor Data Fusion for Volvo Technology Corporation (inaktivt)
2011-12-12Thesis Proposal: Pedestrian Detection for Volvo Technology Corporation (inaktivt)
2011-12-05Implementation and Evaluation of Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) for the Android Operating System (inaktivt)
2011-12-05Environmental costs – how do we get the right price? (inaktivt)
2011-12-01Qt quick and necessitas on Android tablet (inaktivt)
2011-11-10Platform design for volumetric interaction (inaktivt)
2011-11-10Thesis project: Improve and Secure the Supplier Capacity Process in Greater China (Shanghai, Chenzhen and Qingdao) IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt)
2011-11-01Semantic Formats for Emergency Management (inaktivt)
2011-10-11Android based distributed fire detection system (inaktivt)
2011-09-23Moving towards component based software development for train control applications (inaktivt)
2011-08-29Image Processing Algorithms (inaktivt)
2011-08-22Heat Exchangers for Future Heavy Commercial Vehicle Powertrains with reduced CO2 emissions (inaktivt)
2011-08-15Integrated description of system architecture (inaktivt)
2011-08-10Flertal lediga examensarbeten inom mjukvaruutveckling. (inaktivt)
2011-08-10Flertal lediga examensarbeten för utveckling av elektronik, inbyggda system, trådlös kommunikation, design och produktutveckling. (inaktivt)
2011-07-28Development of new treatment strategies for allergic disease (inaktivt)
2011-07-14Possibilities and Requirements for Reaching a Centralized Protection and Control System (inaktivt)
2011-07-12One common system, compence development (inaktivt)
2011-06-23Industrial User Experience development (inaktivt)
2011-06-19Master Thesis (Examensarbete)(1): Smartphone Apps, 30 ECTS (inaktivt)
2011-06-19Master Thesis (Examensarbete)(2): Smartphone Apps, 30 ECTS (inaktivt)
2011-05-09Social Network Analysis Utilizing Big Data Technologies (inaktivt)
2011-04-21Inductive charging of electrical vehicles – Commercial vehicle applications (inaktivt)
2011-04-21Inductive charging of electrical vehicles – application and economical aspects (inaktivt)
2011-04-21Inductive charging of electrical vehicles - system study (inaktivt)
2011-03-23High availability application development on Microsoft platforms (inaktivt)
2011-03-22Database techniques to enable very large datasets (inaktivt)
2011-03-22Master Thesis: Scalable Data Collection from Mobile Sensor Nodes (inaktivt)
2011-03-01EAST-ADL tool integration (inaktivt)
2011-02-17M.Sc.Thesis: Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing technology assessment (inaktivt)
2011-02-02Porting Linux to a Hypervisor Based Embedded System (inaktivt)
2011-01-17Ethernet for Automotive – Physical Layer Implementation (inaktivt)
2011-01-17Ethernet for Automotive – Protocol implementation and Scania adaptation (inaktivt)
2011-01-07Database techniques to enable very large datasets (inaktivt)
2011-01-07High availability application development on Microsoft platforms (inaktivt)
2011-01-07UX, multi-touch in a user friendly command and control environment (inaktivt)
2010-12-21Node.js and implications of Javascript on the Server Side (inaktivt)
2010-12-08Perfusion of Chinese Hamster Ovary cell cultivation producing monoclonal antibody for biopharmaceutical bioprocess application (inaktivt)
2010-11-30Mobile Application Recommender Thesis (inaktivt)
2010-11-16AUTOSAR Application Test Framework (inaktivt)
2010-11-15Master Thesis project: Subtransmission reliability study using PSS/E (inaktivt)
2010-10-25Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of Electrical System Defects (inaktivt)
2010-10-13Name-based communications. (inaktivt)
2010-10-13Multi-path communications using names. (inaktivt)
2010-10-04CCF Probability approach thesis application (inaktivt)
2010-09-30Investigation of PDM/PLM systems and management of environmental regulatory needs (inaktivt)
2010-09-27Master Thesis: Noise cancellation in mobile phones (inaktivt)
2010-09-27Porting Linux to a Hypervisor Based Embedded System (inaktivt)
2010-09-23Implementing a data matching and data conversion utility (inaktivt)
2010-09-21Exjobb på NASDAQ OMX (inaktivt)
2010-09-20Evaluation of Volvo Packaging Footprint (inaktivt)
2010-09-16Indoor Positioning using Fused Information from Wireless Sensor Networks (inaktivt)
2010-08-24Indoor positioning for mobile phones (inaktivt)
2010-08-19Thesis project: Develop a study for an IKEA product using the concept of design for manufacturing. IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt)
2010-07-09Internship at Mantex, Diploma thesis- Mathematic models for calibration of X-ray based biomass analyzer (inaktivt)
2010-07-06Thesis work - Optimisation of study design and statistical analysis of cardiovascular and electrophysiological parameters (inaktivt)
2010-07-06Implementation of Active Steering with Superposition of Torque (inaktivt)
2010-07-02Scalable traversal of NAT (inaktivt)
2010-06-30Life cycle assessment of plastic from wood (inaktivt)
2010-06-23Virtual Machine-based program modification (inaktivt)
2010-06-21Master theses: Stability analyses of gravity dams with probability-based design procedure (inaktivt)
2010-06-18Masters Thesis: Scalable Network Management with Java Messaging (inaktivt)
2010-06-11Thesis project: Ocean Flow Modeling: Routing Optimization IKEA Transport Global, Helsingborg (inaktivt)
2010-06-07Thesis work - Genetically encoded regulable imaging reporters for in vivo cell localisation (inaktivt)
2010-05-31Thesis project: How to measure total cost when failing in performance IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt)
2010-05-31Thesis project: Scan the market to find suitable complaint management system. IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt)
2010-05-21Mobile Application Recommender (inaktivt)
2010-05-19PU10-41 Vulnerable Road User Detection system for city buses (VRUD) (inaktivt)
2010-05-17Optimisation of a polysaccharide base system for triggered release applications (inaktivt)
2010-05-04Energy efficient Air Condition for heavy trucks (inaktivt)
2010-04-26High-speed Tabletop Interaction System: Application Development and User Studies (inaktivt)
2010-04-21Product Service System within Integrated Logistic Support (inaktivt)
2010-04-14Multiple target detection in Wall Penetrating UWB Radar (inaktivt)
2010-04-07Perfusion in Chinese Hamster Ovary cell cultivation producing monoclonal antibody for biopharmaceutical bioprocess application (inaktivt)
2010-03-163D-scanning (inaktivt)
2010-02-24Renewable energy sources powering DC motors (inaktivt)
2010-02-19Emission Calculation Optimisation for Air- and Ocean freight (inaktivt)
2010-02-11Machine Learning: Improved Photo Tagging with Relevance Feedback (inaktivt)
2010-01-18Digital footprint analysis (inaktivt)
2010-01-07Application development on microfluidic multiple cell patch-clamp system (inaktivt)
2009-12-08Smart metering using wireless communication (inaktivt)
2009-12-08Design and Implementation of WirelessHART sub-system on a System-on-Chip radio (inaktivt)
2009-07-08Echocardiography reporting system (inaktivt)
2009-05-15LCA of Electronic Control Unit at Autoliv (inaktivt)
2008-12-09Database for COPC certification, Copenhagen (inaktivt)
2008-11-04Enterprise Architecture Analysis - Development of a Java based assessment tool (inaktivt)
2008-07-16Dynamic Load Control in 3G Cellular Networks (inaktivt)
2008-07-07Volvo CE AB Hauler & Lauder Business Line (kr) (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Ett flertal EX-JOBB hos Konftel AB (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Mobile solutions (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Teat detection with image processing (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Vision-based Recognition, Categorization and Semantic Labeling of Places for Mobile Robots (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Cost benefit assessment of a weather forecasting system for asset management at Fortum Distribution (inaktivt)
2008-05-30An Evaluation of Model Based Testing A Master Thesis in Collaboration with Ericsson (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Application Lifecycle Management Integration av Open Source verktyg för systemutveckling (aw) (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Master Thesis - Automatic Software update using Subversion (inaktivt)
2008-05-30PhD position Coherent optical communicaitons (inaktivt)
2008-05-30Coherent 100 Gb/s optical communications link (inaktivt)
2008-04-17Quickcheck, Nbap Message Construction (inaktivt)
2008-04-17ASP.NET programming in Gothenburg (inaktivt)
2008-04-09Software implementation in a MPEG2 transport stream (inaktivt)
2008-03-27Exjobb i Kina, Thailand och Singapore inom miljöanpassad produktutveckling (inaktivt)
2008-01-07Control and system evaluation of a hydraulic linear actuator (inaktivt)
2007-12-27Programvara för optimering av en biokemisk process (inaktivt)
2007-12-05JAVA as part of a safety-critical real time system (inaktivt)
2007-11-14Kopia av Database expert (inaktivt)
2007-11-14Economic impact of in-situ coating technology for insulation of distribution lines (inaktivt)
2007-10-18Användbarhet - Roomservice hotellsystem (inaktivt)
2007-10-05Fylgia - Quality-oriented software development (inaktivt)
2007-09-21Investigation and implementation of a documentation tool (inaktivt)
2007-09-21Database expert (inaktivt)
2007-09-21IPTV Viewer Activation Platform (inaktivt)
2007-09-21IPTV Messaging Tool for Advertising (inaktivt)
2007-09-03Substation Communication Security within E.On. (inaktivt)
2007-08-16An agent-based environment for discovery and composition of simulation components (inaktivt)
2007-08-15Automotive Radar Demonstrator Test and PCB Design (inaktivt)
2007-05-31Evaluation and implementation of mathematical models for train diagnostics (aw) (inaktivt)
2007-05-31Innovativ medialogistik med hjälp av handdatorer och streckkoder, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (inaktivt)
2007-05-31Innovativ medialogistik med hjälp av handdatorer och streckkoder, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset (inaktivt)
2007-05-29Modelling of RF-design at board level for Assisted Global Positioning System (AGPS) (inaktivt)
2007-05-23Code generation and software framework for an embedded X11 server (inaktivt)
2007-05-22Security Evaluation of ’Single Sign-On’ Solution (inaktivt)
2007-05-13UE Feedback Optimisation in HSDPA (inaktivt)
2007-05-13WCDMA Uplink Enhancement with Time Division Multiplexing (inaktivt)
2007-05-11Eventplanner - Development of an event planning tool (inaktivt)
2007-04-12Chlamydiae - how to trace who has been with whom. An unsexy task about sexual infections (inaktivt)
2007-04-04Portering av övervakningsverktyget MAMon till Eclipse (inaktivt)
2007-04-03AERODYNAMIC EXPERT SYSTEM (inaktivt)
2007-02-19Exjobb inom: Java, Jboss Application Server, Jboss Seam, Jboss Portal API, Testing (inaktivt)
2007-02-09Image Transfer System (Software) (inaktivt)
2007-01-31Integration of a COM Application with .NET WebServices and ASP.NET (inaktivt)
2007-01-26Further development of the Slot matching concept for internal handset antennas (inaktivt)
2007-01-25Development of measurement system for small antennas (inaktivt)
2007-01-22Embedded design: Instrument LAN Digital Controller Board (inaktivt)
2007-01-22Multiple Thesis at Densitet - Mobile Solutions (inaktivt)
2007-01-03Trådlösa teknologier och informationshantering (aw) (inaktivt)
2007-01-03Simulation of OFDM transmitter radio channel - receiver (Gävle) (inaktivt)
2006-12-04Projection System Design (inaktivt)
2006-09-18Integration of data sources in bioinformatics: Use of knowledge bases for query rewriting (inaktivt)
2006-09-15AUTOSAR Reference Implementation (aw) (inaktivt)
2006-09-04Modellering och utvärdering av regleralgoritmer för skruvdragning (inaktivt)
2006-09-04Development and Evaluation of a Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence Protocol for the Nocsim NoC Simulator (inaktivt)
2006-08-31Master of Science Thesis Work – Implementation of Battery Management Unit (inaktivt)
2006-05-22MIMO for Mobile Broadband: Modelling and Performance Analysis (inaktivt)
2006-05-22Voice-over-IP for Mobile Broadband: Modelling and Performance Analysis (inaktivt)
2006-04-25Advanced Geometry Simulation and development for Flexible Tooling (inaktivt)
2006-04-05Detail study of a dynamic module for Affordable Reconfigurable Tooling (inaktivt)
2006-03-23Engineering Portal Volvo IT (inaktivt)
2006-01-25A Generic Platform for High Speed Real-Time Analog-to-Digital Interfaces (inaktivt)
2005-12-05Sensing biological reactions using magnetic nanoparticles (inaktivt)
2005-11-24A workflow-based system for computer-assisted design of oligonucleotide probes (inaktivt)
2005-11-16Improved Testing Strategy for .Net-development (AW) (inaktivt)
2005-11-07Automatic Service Information Generator (inaktivt)
2005-09-12Implementation of Dependable Platform (inaktivt)
2005-08-08Implementation of an embedded Linux framework combining a multimedia acccelerator with an OMAP application processor (inaktivt)
2005-06-09Encrypted Resource Allocation Tickets for Time-critical Production Database Systems (inaktivt)
2005-06-08CORBA/JAVA xDSL-system interface (inaktivt)
2005-02-25Evaluation of RT-Linux for mobile measurement systems (inaktivt)
2005-02-09Automatic Regression Tests of a Message Based Telecom Software Application (inaktivt)
2005-02-07Practical Application of the Mathematical Modelling On the Nozzle configuration in a strip casting process (gh) (inaktivt)
2005-01-19Design and Implementation of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) (inaktivt)
2005-01-17Investigating the effect of magnetized fuel cell cathodes for improved oxygen reduction (inaktivt)
2005-01-12Protection of digital content using tamper-resistant hardware (inaktivt)
2004-10-22Adsorption of sugar based surfactants on polymer latex (inaktivt)
2004-10-04Master of Science Thesis Work - Automated Test Systems (inaktivt)
2004-10-04Master of Science Thesis Work ¿ Development Kit for Dependable Platform (inaktivt)
2004-08-18Best-Practice Study of Competence Management Systems at Universities (inaktivt)
2004-04-30Accuracy of Duct Flow Calculations (inaktivt)
2004-02-06Regioselectivity In The Reaction Of 3-Aminopyrazoles (inaktivt)
2004-01-07Developmental control of cell division in Streptomyces coelicolor (inaktivt)
2003-09-30Rigid Body Collision in a Haptic Environment (inaktivt)
2003-09-17Exjobbs at Laboratory of Communication Networks, IMIT, KTH (inaktivt)
2003-03-25On-line method to study paper formation in the wet-end of a paper machine ¿ Extension to on-line measurement of fibre orientation (inaktivt)
2003-01-17SCA Hygiene Products söker exjobbare inom PLC and motion control software development (inaktivt)
2002-12-17Business Process Analysis and Strategic Positioning of a Business Support System in the Asian Telecom Wholesale Industry (inaktivt)

Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.