2012-03-01 | Continuous perfusion culture for optimization of process parameters (inaktivt) |
2012-02-02 | 3D-Viewing för visualisering av digital produktdata i produktutvecklingsuppdrag (inaktivt) |
2012-01-27 | Exam-work -Comparability and integrity of biopharmaceuticals (inaktivt) |
2012-01-09 | Research within Machine Learning and Big Data analysis. (inaktivt) |
2011-12-01 | Waste heat for greenhouses (inaktivt) |
2011-11-17 | Xjobb för Programmerare till Uppsala / Software engineer to office in Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2011-11-04 | Wear Model for Teeth and Segments (Wear Parts) (inaktivt) |
2011-11-04 | Metodikutveckling återkommande helhetsbedömning av säkerheten i kärnkraftverk (inaktivt) |
2011-11-04 | Jämförelsestudie av tillämpningen av Safety mellan olika verksamheter och länder (inaktivt) |
2011-11-01 | Semantic Formats for Emergency Management (inaktivt) |
2011-10-13 | Efficient volume rendering on the fcc and bcc grids (inaktivt) |
2011-08-29 | Image Processing Algorithms (inaktivt) |
2011-08-22 | Which system solution should be chosen at a future electrification of the roads for electric lorries? (inaktivt) |
2011-08-17 | Master’s Thesis Project in Machine and Process Technology (inaktivt) |
2011-08-15 | Master of Science Thesis: Modeling Software Development Tool Chains (inaktivt) |
2011-08-08 | Sport, Finance and Graphical Design interested IT Student for GUI Design Thesis. (inaktivt) |
2011-08-08 | Sport, Finance and System Development interested students for System Design and Architecture Thesis Assignment. (inaktivt) |
2011-07-22 | Master thesis in the field of model-based development of automotive embedded systems (inaktivt) |
2011-07-01 | Controlled HVDC feeder in railway power supply systems (inaktivt) |
2011-06-29 | Vill du arbeta fram en rekryteringsprocess? (inaktivt) |
2011-06-28 | SCOR metrics assessment at Syncron international (inaktivt) |
2011-06-01 | Thesis project: The mechanics of concealed hinges
IKEA Components AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2011-05-31 | How to calculate filling degree in transports (inaktivt) |
2011-05-17 | Power quality analysis in the 130 KV connection of an 110 MW wind farm (inaktivt) |
2011-04-29 | Master Thesis proposal - SKF Group Manufacturing Development Centre (inaktivt) |
2011-04-21 | Robust Image-based Recognition of Sign Language Signs (inaktivt) |
2011-04-21 | Inductive charging of electrical vehicles – Commercial vehicle applications (inaktivt) |
2011-04-19 | Using magnetic fields to prevent microorganism growth (inaktivt) |
2011-03-29 | Sigma söker exjobbare inom processautomation med BMP (inaktivt) |
2011-03-28 | App’ar eller ej inom Fleet Management området (inaktivt) |
2011-03-09 | Short-time overloading of power transformers (inaktivt) |
2011-03-04 | IT och verksamhetsutveckling inom Research & Development (inaktivt) |
2011-02-15 | Xjobb för Programmerare till Uppsala / Software engineer to office in Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2011-02-15 | Xjobb till ambitiös projektledare till Uppsala / Ambitious project manager to Uppsala (inaktivt) |
2011-02-15 | Xjobb för produktutvecklare CAD 3D / product developer 2011 (inaktivt) |
2011-02-10 | Effektivisering av produktion (inaktivt) |
2011-01-20 | Vibration analysis of electronic unit (inaktivt) |
2011-01-11 | Short-time overloading of power transformers (inaktivt) |
2011-01-03 | Cluster analysis for patterns of temporal association (inaktivt) |
2011-01-03 | Computational optimization with GPU-based implementations (inaktivt) |
2011-01-03 | Text mining pharmaceutical data (inaktivt) |
2010-12-22 | HPLC analysis of oxidation products in polyunsaturated triglyceride oils (inaktivt) |
2010-12-22 | Determination of furan fatty acids in natural triglyceride oils (inaktivt) |
2010-10-27 | Kostnadseffektiv hantering av växtnäring genom uppströmsarbete
– pilotstudie i livsmedelsindustri och detaljhandel (inaktivt) |
2010-09-10 | Thesis project/ Studentuppsats: Daily management of a service organization - in change towards excellence
IKEA AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-07-09 | Thesis project/ Student assignment: Cost Analyzes Appliances
IKEA of Sweden AB, Älmhult (inaktivt) |
2010-06-30 | Gateway with dual homing (inaktivt) |
2010-06-29 | Möjligheter och nytta att i CAD/utvecklingsmiljön återanvända PLM/produktbeskrivningens variant- och tidsvillkor (inaktivt) |
2010-06-17 | Conversion of 3D Video Data (inaktivt) |
2010-05-10 | Process and machine capability studies in heat treatment/automotive industry (inaktivt) |
2010-04-21 | Product Service System within Integrated Logistic Support (inaktivt) |
2010-03-22 | Effects of high temperature on cross-linked PEX.
Methods to detect and calculate effect of high temperature. (inaktivt) |
2010-03-16 | Do I know this place? - Novelty Detection for Visual Place Classification (inaktivt) |
2010-02-22 | Traceability at Scania Engine Production of homemade parts (inaktivt) |
2010-02-19 | Emission Calculation Optimisation for Air- and Ocean freight (inaktivt) |
2010-02-05 | Vidareutveckling av Safety Case-metodik till att hantera
Risk/marginal-profil (inaktivt) |
2010-02-01 | Thesis - Mobile Real-Time Web (inaktivt) |
2010-01-13 | Examensarbete inom ”case-mix-problematik” på OmVård.se (inaktivt) |
2009-12-14 | Impact of climate change on the Göta Älv river water quality, part of EU-Interreg project DiPol (inaktivt) |
2009-07-03 | Hur kan vi utveckla det pedagogiska upplägget vid Fastighetsakademin? (inaktivt) |
2008-11-04 | Enterprise Architecture Analysis - Development of a Java based assessment tool (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Study of auroral potentials using multi-satellite data from ESA’s Cluster mission (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Modelling of a system for active feedback stabilization of resistive wall modes installed at the EXTRAP T2R reversed field pinch device (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Robot Hand Design and Control (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Text identification on the Internet for global search engine use (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Enterprise Architecture Modeling – Case Studies of Change Project Costs (inaktivt) |
2008-05-30 | Using enterprise architecture to evaluate the quality of enterprise information systems (inaktivt) |
2008-04-11 | Data compression of VLF data from space (inaktivt) |
2008-02-06 | Hållbar hantering av gruvor och gruvavfall (inaktivt) |
2008-01-08 | Using Model or Data Driven design to improve automatic testing. (inaktivt) |
2008-01-07 | Control and system evaluation of a hydraulic linear actuator (inaktivt) |
2008-01-04 | Master Thesis Work on Alternative Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines (inaktivt) |
2007-11-12 | Mirroring Digital Identities (two proposals) (inaktivt) |
2007-10-22 | Deployment simulation of lightweight inflatable space structures (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Extension of XQuery for standardized XML-data. (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Investigation and implementation of a documentation tool (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Processing and characterization of materials sensitive to ambient oxygen concentration for application in field effect based oxygen sensor devices (inaktivt) |
2007-09-21 | Development of solid-state catalytic filters for enhancement of the performance of field effect based gas sensors (inaktivt) |
2007-09-12 | Hur påverkar fastighetsstrukturer effektiviteten i skogsbruket? (inaktivt) |
2007-06-15 | Modularization of routing protocols (inaktivt) |
2007-06-15 | Modularization of routing protocols (inaktivt) |
2007-05-14 | IT Outsourcing Best Practices (inaktivt) |
2007-04-11 | Transboundary River Basin Data and Information in support of WFD implementation: The cases of Daugava and Nemunas River basins (inaktivt) |
2007-04-03 | AERODYNAMIC EXPERT SYSTEM (inaktivt) |
2007-03-28 | Kvalitets- och kostnadskontroll med standardiserad Desktop Lifecycel Management (DLM) (inaktivt) |
2007-03-28 | Kulturarvspedagogik i samhällets tjänst! Case: ”Drop-outs” (inaktivt) |
2007-03-28 | Användning av digitaltryck vid tryck av orienteringskartor (inaktivt) |
2007-03-16 | Mathematical Quantum Mechanics (inaktivt) |
2007-03-09 | Master Thesis Proposal: An Evaluation of a Funtional Reference Model (inaktivt) |
2007-03-01 | Process and tools for market-driven software product planning (inaktivt) |
2007-02-07 | Drug Delivery Systems for Poorly Soluble Drug Substances (inaktivt) |
2007-02-01 | WCET Analysis and Certification of Automatically Generated Code
for CC-Systems AB (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-01-20 | Utvärdering av programflödesanalys för WCET-beräkningar vid
Volvo Construction Equipment (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-01-03 | Trådlösa teknologier och informationshantering (aw) (inaktivt) |
2007-01-03 | Simulation of OFDM transmitter radio channel - receiver (Gävle) (inaktivt) |
2006-12-20 | Att flyga SpaceShip 2 med rymdturister genom norrskenet från Kiruna.
Space Radiation effects on suborbital space tourists above Kiruna (inaktivt) |
2006-12-18 | Efficient use of the CPP Emulator within CPP Design Unit (kr) (inaktivt) |
2006-12-08 | Sustainability Assessment of Business Travels at SKF (inaktivt) |
2006-10-31 | WATTCH... Less is more: Influencing consumer energy behaviour through service innovation (inaktivt) |
2006-10-18 | Marknadsundersökning på ett real case (aw) (inaktivt) |
2006-09-04 | Commercialization and Exploitation of European Health Portal for Sleep Disorders (inaktivt) |
2006-08-02 | Developing a framework for establishment of Biomedical Engineering Department (MTA) in developing regions (inaktivt) |
2006-06-14 | Mechanical design of Mega Watt offshore wind generators
(inaktivt) |
2006-05-22 | MIMO for Mobile Broadband: Modelling and Performance Analysis (inaktivt) |
2006-03-06 | Design and Implementation of a Security Policy in a Distributed System (inaktivt) |
2006-02-27 | Processutveckling (inaktivt) |
2006-02-06 | Analysis and Implementation of a Data Collection Tool for use in live experiments (inaktivt) |
2006-01-30 | Sources and distribution of ammonium in the Red River delta aquifers by isotope studies (inaktivt) |
2005-12-16 | Kvalitetsarbete i ett etablerat norrlandsföretag! (inaktivt) |
2005-10-17 | Marketing Strategy and Commercialization of innovative telemedicine solution TeleMedIS (inaktivt) |
2005-08-24 | Utvärdering av ett Worst Case Execution Time (WCET)-verktyg inom grundutbildning (aw) (inaktivt) |
2005-08-15 | Ekonomiska aspekter av funktionshindrade IT-användares medverkan i produktutveckling (inaktivt) |
2005-07-22 | Merging and comparison of RLS- and DHT-based resource indexing and management (inaktivt) |
2005-07-05 | Case-hantering webbaserad SQL-databas, ASP eller ASP.NET front (inaktivt) |
2005-06-15 | Commercialization and marketing of European Health Portal ENN-ICS (inaktivt) |
2005-03-10 | Analys av kovarianser i sekvensalignment (inaktivt) |
2005-01-31 | Porting a WCET analysis tool to Hitachi H8 and Lego Mindstorms. (aw) (inaktivt) |
2005-01-19 | DNA-repair proteins that recognize damage induced by ultrasound (inaktivt) |
2004-12-08 | Micromechanical modelling of time-dependent compressive relaxation of particle reinforced thermosets in joints for automotive applications (inaktivt) |
2004-05-10 | Nanophysics: Optical absorption in semiconductor quantum wire waveguide (inaktivt) |
2004-05-03 | Läcker kod - designregler - en praktiskt studie av estetik/kvalité
(inaktivt) |
2004-04-13 | Loop Qualification for Broadband Access (inaktivt) |
2004-03-18 | Utvärdering av Statisk Tidsanalys för Volcano Communications Technologies AB (aw) (inaktivt) |
2004-02-02 | Modern marknadsföring av ett museum (inaktivt) |
2003-09-08 | Dendrimers as flocculation agents (inaktivt) |
2003-04-09 | Investigation of catalysts based on non-noble metals for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (inaktivt) |
2003-04-04 | Vattenkraftens potentiella uppgradering (inaktivt) |
2003-03-19 | A Dynamic Rate Adaptation Scheme for Packet Data in WCDMA Systems with Adaptive Antennas (inaktivt) |
2003-01-30 | The effect of fire on the microbial activity and nutrient availability in Dipterocarp rainforest and Acacia plantations (Sabah, Malaysia). (inaktivt) |
2003-01-17 | SCA Hygiene Products söker exjobbare inom HMI (Human Machine Interfaces) (inaktivt) |
2003-01-17 | SCA Hygiene Products söker exjobbare inom PLC and motion control software development (inaktivt) |