Sökning: "process cycle"

Hittade 15 exjobbsförslag från svenska företag, som innehöll ordet process cycle.

Inkom Exjobbsförslag
2012-01-09Biomass Combustion in Fluidized Bed: Emissions (Master Thesis- 5/6 months- FRANCE) (inaktivt)
2011-12-05How do companies work with tomorrows cost regarding the environment? (inaktivt)
2011-08-22Heat Exchangers for Future Heavy Commercial Vehicle Powertrains with reduced CO2 emissions (inaktivt)
2011-07-18A learning project organization (inaktivt)
2011-07-12development of a model for project/portfoli uncertainty (inaktivt)
2011-02-17M.Sc.Thesis: Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing technology assessment (inaktivt)
2011-01-19Sensor Network Optimizations Using Software Defined Radio Techniques (inaktivt)
2010-10-13Software eco-system for Life-Cycle-Profit (inaktivt)
2009-12-09Eco-Efficiency Analysis (inaktivt)
2006-06-20Development of a program (written in Haskell) that visualizes a live animation of a network simulation (dynamic flow of packets) (inaktivt)
2006-03-06Design and Implementation of a Security Policy in a Distributed System (inaktivt)
2006-02-06Electricity from wastewater - Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) (inaktivt)
2005-07-22Merging and comparison of RLS- and DHT-based resource indexing and management (inaktivt)
2005-06-08Examensarbete i Molekylärgenetik 20 p Role of chromatin modifications in controlling cell growth (inaktivt)
2003-06-26Genome-wide analysis of developmentally controlled gene expression in a differentiating prokaryote (inaktivt)

Informationen om uppsatsförslag är hämtad från Nationella Exjobb-poolen.